Friday, June 8, 2012

Succubus in Our Happy Home?!

My finance and I have had a couple of odd experiences for the past couple of nights and I believe to be the works of a succubus.   I had this feeling right away when the first experience happened the night before last, I have what people believe to be "the sixth sense" I can tell if something bad is happening to someone I know whether I am with them or not, across the country or not, for instance, when my grandmother died at 3:30 in the morning a few years ago, at 3:35 a.m. I sat straight up out of bed from a dead sleep with the heavy feeling of sorrow, I knew she had past without anyone calling and telling me, as a matter of fact, I called my mom and told her, she told me I was ridiculous that nobody had told her that, until a half an hour later my uncle called her from a few states away to confirm it.  I can also tell when things around me seem strange and don't feel normal.  I am really "in tune" with my fiance, I can tell when he is about to call me from work, about to leave work, or has something going on that he hasn't told me anything about.  For about a month, I've had this over powering sense that something hasn't been "right" or normal for us. 
The night before last, we were in our bedroom, I was playing music on the computer and rubbing his back and we were talking and he fell asleep.  I felt this was nothing new since we both work long hours at very physical jobs and sleep is something we hardly get.  I had been talking to him and usually he responds in some way, but he didn't.  I stopped rubbing his back and continued on with the computer when not even a minute later he said something was touching him and started twitching with his neck extended out, his back arched off of the bed and he moaned a couple of times, then his whole body tremored like out of fright, his eyes and mouth opened like he was trying to yell but he couldn't.  This scared me, I had never seen him do this! I reached over and touched his arm, and as soon as I did, his eyes opened and he immedietly started getting up out of bed saying "Help me up!" and he asked me why I didn't try to help him, I had told him I did, then he started to tell me what had happened.
He said he heard me talking to him, heard the music playing, and he felt between awake and asleep and he heard something mocking him about something he had said to me earlier that evening and he felt something trying to pull him into the wall.  He said he tried to put his foot against the wall to try to stop it and he told me to grab his hand (I did not hear this but was by his side the whole time, and I did not see him do this but his body was shaking) he said that when I finally did grab his hand (in his state, not in reality, if I had known, I would have) that a real hand was in his and when he squeezed, it squeezed back real hard and he knew it wasn't mine. He had come out of this when I touched his arm to wake him up.  He said he was yelling for me, but nothing would come out, it blocked him off from anything to do with trying to get me to save him. I could feel it, it was so real, and he had marks on his hand from being squeezed so hard!  As soon as I touched him, it went away. He said he had a sence of jealousy around him, like something was jealous and didn't want him near me, and it felt so REAL to him. I wouldn't leave his side and he didn't want me to, like I'm here to protect him. We finally calmed down enough for him to fall back asleep (I stayed awake to watch him).  About an hour later I laid down to go to sleep (I felt extrememely tired) and as I was falling asleep I could feel someone floating around me and coming down the hallway towards our bedroom, then I saw her coming closer and closer to him.  We had been laying touching each other, we never sleep cuddled up, but this was an exception, as long as I was touching him, he is safe, and I rolled over (no longer touching him) and he started to moan in his sleep again, I sat up and I touched his hand to see if he was okay. He woke up and said he had the same feeling again.  I couldn't go back to restful sleep, real light.  Soon after, he ripped my blanked off me, grabbed the right side of my chest (something he never does) grabbed my face and turned it for him to see with a jerky motion (never done this either) I asked him if he was okay, he had woken up and said yeah and thanked me for saving him.  Almost like he was checking me make sure it was me or not.  The rest of the night was calm.  I had woken up earler than him yesterday morning to go to the store before he went to work, and when I came back, the bedroom light was on and he was laying on his front on the bed.  I asked him if he turned it on because I knew that I hadn't, and he said no. After he went to work, I laid down and fell into a deep hard sleep, almost uncontrollable.
Yesterday he came home from work and I had dinner made, we ate dinner with our daughter, and normally we like to watch TV for a bit before we go to bed, but he wanted to lay in the bed.  Just as the night before, we were talking and he fell asleep within seconds.  I decided that he must be tired from work, decided not to disturb him, and went into the bathroom (located right next to our bedroom) to run my daughter a bath, and as soon as I turned on the water I heard him moan again.  I shut the water off and ran into the bedroom and I saw his whole body bouncing up and down on the bed, then he got out the words "LET GO!" I finally got him woke up and he said that he saw it this time! It was a female entity with my body, almost my face but with big eyes, and he knew it wasn't me.  He said it shook him and said "Let's go here" and folded in half in a weird way and slipped between our headboard and the wall to underneath the bed, and from under the bed, it grabbed his privates and tried to pull him through the bed.  When I woke him up, it was the same thing, something was stopping him from yelling to get help, to reach me, all he could get out was strained moans and he felt drained, and his privates hurt for quite some time after that.  We decided to out to the living room to the couch, I keep my hand on him, like I'm protecting him, we can both feel it.  But what happens when he goes to sleep and I'm not there?
It feels like there is something (a succubus?) trying to put themselves between him and I.  We have both seen it now and it fits every description of one.  We normally get along wonderful and for the last month, we have been arguing, accusing each other of doing things that neither one of us is doing, uncontrollable acting out of personality, things like that.  I admit, both of us have been stressed and not getting much sleep.  I do know from learning about this before from TV shows or reading (this is not something I read about on average) that these experiences typically happen at times of lack of sleep or stress.  For the last week, we have been getting along great, back to the way we were a month and a half ago, and as soon as we show affection towards each other, this thing appears, and it waits for him to go to sleep and me to leave him or stop touching him and the split second I do, it grabs him, talks to him like it's me, and takes him into a state of paralysis.  Neither one of us are jealous people, but we can feel it around us, but we know its not coming from each other.  Like I said, I have felt for the last month that something hasn't been right, and I feel on edge and stressed, but yesterday, I was calm and back to normal, at ease.  Like now I know what has been bothering me and I'm not scared of it, I feel almost fulfilled, like it was this thing trying to get to him and it felt satisfied that it had, but I just want to fix it, to get rid of it.  We had said when it happened two nights ago that we were just going to take it as a dream until it happened again, and it did last night.  The first night it left marks on him, last night it hurt him, I'm worried that it might do worse.  The first time was at night, the second time was during the day (about 7p.m.).  Is there such a thing as something posessing me to get to him?  We could really use some help on this, we both believe in the paranormal and he's had similar experiences years before, but these last two have been so much more real and intense.  Any info anyone could give us would be appreciated!  We both love each other immensely and we just want to be left to do so and live our lives.

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